
The Local Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency (or Local CURE) Program (Section 3-10 of Public Act 101-0636) is a support program for units of Illinois local government as defined by the Illinois Constitution. The Local CURE program is appropriated to the department under Section 5 of Article 30 of Public Act 101-0637 in State Fiscal Year 2021 for $250,000,000 and administrative rules for the program can be found under Title 14 Ill. Admin. Code Part 700.

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'Units of local government' means Illinois counties, municipalities, townships, special districts, and units, designated as units of local government by law, which exercise limited governmental powers or powers in respect to limited governmental subjects, but does not include school districts. (Illinois Constitution, Article VII, Section 1.)

What does the Local CURE Program apply to?

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What is reimbursable?

Local CURE will reimburse units of local government for the following expenditures:

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Since the program launched last fall, DCEO has authorized the release of over $188 million in reimbursements for COVID-19 related emergency costs incurred by local governments, including over $18 million in ES Program grants administered by 60 different local governments throughout the state.

Over the last month alone, more than $36 million has been disbursed to LGUs for their COVID-19 related expenses, with most funds going toward public safety and public health employee payrolls.
DCEO continues to work closely with legislators, counties, municipalities and many other units of government to support local officials with navigating all federal requirements of this program, and to provide assistance with utilizing the maximum amount of funding available to them under this program. This includes ongoing work with the Illinois Municipal League (IML), which has partnered closely with the state on raising awareness as well as informing these recent changes to the program rules.
For more information or technical assistance on the Local CURE program, please visit DCEO’s website.

Patient discussion about cure

Q. What is the best natural cure for migraines? Every day I hear something else.. would love it if you can share your experience..I'm sick of chemicals:)
A. stay off any products that have a any kind of a caffine content, including chocolate. try this for 3wks, ypu should notice a difference
Q. Cn barret esophagous be cured? I was diagnosed with barretts esophagus several years ago, and so far keeps on the routine follow up. I met some other guy with same condition and he told after his doctor prescribed him with some anti-reflux meds, in the last endoscopy they found normal esophagus, and that he thinks he's now cured. Is that possible?

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A. Anti-reflux treatment may lower the risk of cancer a little, but it won't cure it, so there's still a need for refular follow-up.
Q. What is the cure for psoriatic arthritis? I know someone with psoriatic arthritis. What is the cure? Please don't waste my time with anecdotal evidence from anonymous people who drink expensive imported juice and claim to be healed. What treatments and cures are available? What science is behind the remedies?
A. First off, has your friend actually had a biopsy done on the skin to positively confirm the diagnosis? I was diagnosed with the same thing years ago. I then sought a second opinion from a dermatologist who did a biopsy. It wasn't psoriatic arthritis at all. It was Lichen Planus.
If however, it is Psoriatic Arthritis, then I would highly recommend either a Rheumatologist, or a Homeopath/Naturopath. Personally, I prefer the Homeopathic approach. There are no man-made chemicals involved, which our bodies are not designed to assimilate. Introducing an artificial chemical to the human body often times creates an alternate imbalance somewhere else, with its own set of problems.

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